Estimating spillovers from sampled connections (working paper on ArXiv )
Keywords: Networks, Sampling, Peer Effects
Summary: Show when sampling networks biases spillover estimates from linear and nonlinear regression models. Propose unbiased estimators based on
aggregate network statistics.
Network rewiring and spatial targeting: optimal disease mitigation in multilayer networks ( Becker Friedman Institute working paper ) (with Michael Konig, Ozan Candogan, and Frank Takes).
Keywords: Networks, Epidemics, Rewiring
Summary: Introduce model of spread of disease on network where susceptibles adjust connections in response to spread of disease, and derive tractable optimal policy
problem with many groups. Estimate for Covid-19 in Netherlands using new population-level social network data containing different types of contacts.
Econometrics 1, Tinbergen Institute (TA)
Phd level introductory econometrics course. Covers OLS, maximum likelihood, GMM, testing, discrete and multinomial choice models.
Lecture notes I wrote on R for students.
Urban economic challenges and policies, VU Economics (TA)
Masters course covering applied and structural econometrics for policy evaluation on urban economics.
Course website with interactive notebooks.
PowerLawSamplers.jl (repo)
Random graphs with power law degree distributions and samplers for discrete power-law distributions
GraphicalLassos.jl (in progress)
Pure julia implementation of graphical lasso and path graphical lasso algorithms